Season 14 winners

Season 14 judges

JaNa Photography


O nome JaNa vem de Jafar & Nasim, parceiros na vida e a alma por trás do nosso studio em Vancouver, Canada. Somos Iranianos da Pérsia e fotógrafos de Maternidade desde 2009. Em nossa carreira como fotógrafos premiados, temos mais de 100 exibições internacionais, incluindo Asia, Europa, América do Norte e Oriente Médio. Porém, outro projeto que concluimos com muito orgulho foi plantar 100 árvores durante os dois anos que percorremos o mundo de bicicletas.

Edi Canto


I am Edi. Mother, wife and a Childbirth Photographer in Brazil. After a workshop in 2015, I came back home with my mind full of dreams; nonetheless, my first full job as a Childbirth Photographer was accomplished in 2016. So, since then, I can tell you that I saw hundreds of miracles happening in front of my very eyes. Not enough words can describe this blessing of God and the gift of being a photographer, specifically a Childbirth Photographer. Also, I will do my best in the judge board of the loved Outstanding Maternity Award – Season 14.

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